This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Description

About the project:

Soft Skills are recognized to be the success factor enabling individuals’ well-being, self-confidence, autonomy and responsibility, fulfilment of education/social and professional lives, career development and higher income. However, the set of Soft Skills is often referred to be as non-measurable skills by conventional tests or exams, as they include a wide range of skills related to the individual mind-set, such as: capacity building, learning to learn, persistence, resilience, creativity, self-discipline, self-reflectiveness, acting autonomously.

Due to their nature, Soft Skills can be life or work-oriented, but some of them are both, being difficult to define the boards. That is the main reason why individuals possessing higher range and levels of the set of Soft Skills will be better prepared to obtain educational and professional qualifications and be better prepared for the world of work, but also of live meaningful, sustainable and more responsible lives in a constant and changing world…..