This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

PreEdTech is a platform for school-age teaching and learning. It presents courses to follow, tests and processing of results, download of materials and much more; all this in six languages.

The PreEdTech project is inspired by this successful effort. Its main aim is to provide pre-primary teachers and educators with the means of adapting their activities to the online environment, the rationale behind targeting teachers of this level being that they are at a disadvantage when compared to teachers of different levels in what concerns availability of materials, tools, guides and general resources in the online environment.

The other direction of the project concerns the parents and their implication in the teaching-learning process, which, in the current context, are oftentimes more than just simple spectators to an online class; parents are pivotal in reaching, communicating with and involving pre-school children in activities. In this context, the PreEdTech Project objectives focus on:

– strengthening the professional profile of preschool teachers by developing an innovative guide on remote learning, by PR1, in the first year of the project

– Increasing the competences of kindergarten teachers on Digital Education Readiness in the field of School Education, through the training sessions for 150 teachers, by PR2, in the second year of the project

– Increasing access to quality education for kindergarten children by providing adapted educational resources, by PR3, in the second year of the project.


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